Brand Proz is a one stopshop for any business, or anyone looking to start a business. We are a team of professionals who specialize in various skills specifically tailored to help grow and establish your business and/or brand. We offer everything from branding, marketing, content creation, & much more!

Internet Marketing (SEO)

If you are a business owner in 2021, it is important to establish a presence on the internet so potential customers can find you. Even if you are on the internet, is your company showing up ahead of your competitors? SEO (search engine optimization) & SEM (search engine marketing) can improve where you show up on search engines.

Professional Web Design

For many people your website is their first impression of your company and/or business, so it is important to have your website designed to properly  represent your business in a professional way. Questions to ask yourself: Is your website setting you apart from your competition? Is it easy to navigate? Is it actually driving sales?

Graphic Design & Print Services

The need for graphic design services when you are a business owner, are almost inevitable. From a branding aspect, your logo is the symbol of how people will remember your company, it sets the tone for the visual presence of your company, and has a trickle down effect on every other marketing aspect. From logos, to business card designs, to stickers, to flyers, to billboards, and more, it is important to have a professional design it.

Print services vary from business cards, flyers, brochures, direct mailers, all essential items for business’s looking to expand and market in a professional manner.

Promotional Products

Make your business have a real life presence, by have matching printed shirts for your staff, presenting as professional and reliable. From coffee mugs, lanyards, stickers, pens and more can be great giveaways for events or potential customers, which helps spread the word about your company as well as reminds people about your company. 

Call Brand Proz Today! (352) 606-2969

Commercial Video Editing

Having a video commercial is one of the most valuable pieces of content to represent, help advertise, and market your business. It is visual, has audio, and can be posted and shared on all of your social media platforms. But that doesnt mean that every video gets the same attention, a professional commercial edited by the people with the skills will stand out!